Saturday, February 2, 2013

My exam partner- Ganesha

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

Vinayaga,Ganesha, Ganapathi- he has lot of names. Whatever the name people liked to call him, he is the first in every worship they do. Also we can say he is the one who has lot of temples in India, as we can find at least one small temple for him in every corner of the street. People still have the habit of writing  in the top of paper for his blessings. During my school days when I don’t study even I used to write  in my exam papers thinking that Ganesha would make me pass even if I had written the wrong answer. But that’s all not the reason why I liked him. When every other god we know is just like us fully human figure, Ganesha is little different with a human figure and head of an elephant . I guess that’s why I liked him even from my childhood. And I used to draw one Ganesha during every Ganesh chaturti. One such painting is above.