Monday, February 4, 2013

Face the Face

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

எல்லா புகழும் இறைவனுக்கே

Here a game today. Think of a teacher whom you liked most in your school.1, 2, 3. Done. Ok now tell me when you imagined your teacher, did you imagine him/her completely or only their face?. Most of them would have imagined only their faces. Ok now if you are walking on road you see someone, you remember their face but don’t know who they are. Most people used to remember people just by their face not whole body. That’s the uniqueness, value of face or whatever you call it. “Face value, face is the index of mind”, are some of the famous sayings which tells us how face is connected to our mind. One of most famous social networking site what do we call it? ‘facebook’.  People recognize each other just by seeing their face. Though we can guess someone by seeing their body no one does that. It's the face everyone sees. Faces have the unique quality of expressing how you feel about something or someone, which we call it, expressions. If two understand each other they need not talk just by seeing each others face they will get to know what the other one is trying to say. If we see a complete stranger our mind will automatically guess what kind of person he/she would be just by seeing their face. But it's not correct every time. Sometimes people miscalculate and sometimes people are good in faking their emotion or expression. Even a small child could fake an expression. Not agreeing, just think how many us have fooled our mom for not doing homework and bunking school, by keeping a dull face and saying that we are feeling sick. I guess everyone would have done. Even to like someone at the first site we could say face stands most ideal one. We cannot choose what kind of face we need at least by birth, but every face will be beautiful if you keep a smile on it every time.

இவன் யாரென்று தெரிகிறதா தீ என்று புரிகிறதா, தடைகளை வென்று சரித்திரம் படைத்தவன் ஞாபகம் வருகிறதா

My senior in college Kannan