Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Walk in the Park

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

Park is a place where we could see all kinds of people- from children to old, rich to poor, good to bad. We could find people of every extreme here. Just imagine the scene of park how it used to be- children playing see saw, some kids fighting for their chance to play swing, their parents or grandparents watching them, some good old friends sharing their views on politics and pension plans, some fitness conscious persons doing jogging and yoga, some beggars and homeless people who never worries about the future, caring only about how to survive today. And it wouldn't be a park if I forget to mention the couples and lovers. Some people selling Guava fruit, Sundal, Groundnut (kadalai), ice cream solely depending on the people coming to park. There were no parks in villages because the whole village belongs to everyone and children to used play wherever they like and not to mention it was green everywhere. Parks mainly came in to picture when cities started to develop. So that people could see some greenery and children will have some place to play. The parks have now shrunk to Rooftop gardens with some decorative big plants where people use to pay in thousands for single dinner. The parks have now started to disappear with the multi storey apartments and malls started taking their place in the picture. Children are no more playing in parks-they are playing video games and snow bowling. People never meet in person just to enjoy each others company-they have started using cell phones and emails. And it’s sad that people no more run in parks and enjoy fresh air- they are ready pay some hundred bucks to the gym and run in treadmill. Though people no more visits or cares about park, the parks are still doing their best as a shelter to homeless people and stray animals. The parks don’t have any loss in losing us but we have a lot in losing them...