Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Home sweet Home

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

Home-from rich to poor everyone wants a home of their own. If we ask someone who has got a new job what do they want to achieve first, most of them would want to buy a beautiful home. Even marriage comes after that. And of course if a girl loves a boy for many different reasons, still when it comes to marriage the girl and her family would expect the boy to have a own home apart from car and high salary. People would no more build their own houses and they don’t have time for it. They have started buying flats built by someone else in the 15th floor which are even costly for an average man to afford. Also nowadays homes are like boxes in a small cube. Imagine the home where our grandparents lived as a joint family, spacious and big. But it’s not all about the space, it’s about the feel you get when you live in a home. My childhood was in a rented home, which had only two rooms and some open space. It used to drip every time when there was rain. It was not only home to me some cows, rats, scorpions and sometimes even snakes. One day a rat ran on me while I was sleeping and I was running all over the home to drop it. Believe me my home was like that, but still my childhood was great in that home. I could say my home had grown with me and we have bought the same and renovated it. One of the nicest moments still I remember from my old home was, my mom used to ask what to make for dinner at some 8’o clock. Me and my sister, we would be saying we were not hungry. Then at 10 we would be feeling hungry and we would start asking mom to make something. And it was the exact time the current would be gone. Though it was dark and late night my mom used to make some nice dinner and we would help her. My dad would buy a big banana leaf. We would be sitting out in the open space in front of my home in the moon light. All four me, my sister, dad and mom will be having dinner in a single big banana leaf with a small lamp (vilaku) by the side and in the moon light. That was the real candle light dinner, which you won’t get even if pay thousand and have  it in 5 star hotels. That’s the home I knew and that’s home I lived in Home sweet Home.