Monday, December 30, 2013

TATA Safari -(Stencil Art)

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Batman - The Dark Knight (Stencil Art)

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mr.Bean (Stencil Art)

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

"Smile" is the second best thing you could do with your "Lips" so


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Marilyn Monroe - Beautiful lady everrr...(Stencil Art)

Posted by Sivasubramaniam



Monday, November 25, 2013

Butterfly using Butterflies - Chart cutting

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mahabalipuram Shore Temple- Stencil Art

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Monday, October 28, 2013

Modular Origami - Elephant

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Modular Origami - Teddy Bear

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Modular origami - Peacock

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Modular origami - Mother and baby Swan

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Modern origami - Butterfly

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Modular origami - Swan

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Monday, September 2, 2013

Modular origami - Peacock

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Modular Origami - Angry Bird

Posted by Sivasubramaniam


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Make from Chalk

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

Chalk- Everyone uses it. But there is a little difference in how they use it. Most of them use it to write, some teachers use to throw it in the class to wake up the students who are sleeping- obviously i have experienced it so many times. But who said chalk can be used only to write/throw, Here is a different way of using it.

Snake from Chalk

Yes if you want to show your creativity you can show it in chalks also. The advantage and disadvantage in doing a chalk sculpture is the same- its softness. It is so soft that you can carve it easily also at the same time pressing it little harder may break it. And the worst part is getting broke in the final stages of carving. That had happened to me lot of times. But they are common, nothing can be learnt in a single try, correct.

Chain made by joining two chalks in the edges. 

Many of them would think each oval piece of chain was made separately and joined later . But that's not how i made it. Each full chalk was made with 8 pieces without breaking and joining anywhere. To get a lengthier chain it was only cut and joint with another chalk in the end. Otherwise each chalk is completely carven without any cuts.

And the best part of it its completely flexible.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kirigami- Empire state building

Posted by Sivasubramaniam



Kirigami- Steps

Posted by Sivasubramaniam



Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Posted by Sivasubramaniam

I was in 11th standard. One of my friend had asked for a painting of ‘Natarajar’ (dancing form of Lord Shiva) to hang in his home. I found a wonderful picture of Natarajar in an old magazine dated 1979. Even my friend liked it and I started drawing it in an A4 sheet. But later my friend told me that he wanted in the size of full chart. Then I started painting in a big chart. I never really thought that I should finish it within this time, nor my friend gave me any deadlines. I was keeping on painting and I was in 12th standard. You know how it will be in 12th standard- public exam, hostel life and for guys who studied in my school it would have been still worse. So, I was never able to touch my painting in those days. Then I got in to college in Chennai. Same hostel life, away from home continued. But I wouldn't say that I was busy and kept studying in college too. Actually I left all my studying habit in school itself. But still I can’t bring the painting to my college and paint because I needed a peaceful place to paint, you know how hostel rooms are. So I used to draw whenever I go home for holidays. In the meanwhile my friend renovated his home but still I was painting and painting. Whenever I used to see him the first question he kept asking was "have u completed the painting?". Years rolled even my painting rolled but it was not complete. So gradually my friend stopped asking me about the painting, and one day he told finish it whenever u can and I will not ask after this. Until 3rd year same thing continued. I got placed in the end of 7th semester and our final semester started. I don’t know about other college but our final semester was awesome and once in a life time it was. We used to go classes only twice or thrice in a week and we had so much time to spend. So finally I brought my painting to my hostel and started to paint in hostel itself. It was nearly the end of the semester I had finished it I really couldn’t believe I had finished it. I started during 11th standard and finally after 4 years it’s done. I took it to my home, beautifully framed and showed my father. He liked it very much so that when I told I am gonna present it to my friend, he said, he want it to hang in our home only. I was in a critical state; I didn’t know what to do then. I painted it for my friend and he has to say rite, so I asked my friend is it ok if I give a photocopy of the same he said ok. Now it’s beautifully hanging in my home and a framed photo copy is with my friend.

with little photoshop effect for glowing


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Home sweet Home

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

Home-from rich to poor everyone wants a home of their own. If we ask someone who has got a new job what do they want to achieve first, most of them would want to buy a beautiful home. Even marriage comes after that. And of course if a girl loves a boy for many different reasons, still when it comes to marriage the girl and her family would expect the boy to have a own home apart from car and high salary. People would no more build their own houses and they don’t have time for it. They have started buying flats built by someone else in the 15th floor which are even costly for an average man to afford. Also nowadays homes are like boxes in a small cube. Imagine the home where our grandparents lived as a joint family, spacious and big. But it’s not all about the space, it’s about the feel you get when you live in a home. My childhood was in a rented home, which had only two rooms and some open space. It used to drip every time when there was rain. It was not only home to me some cows, rats, scorpions and sometimes even snakes. One day a rat ran on me while I was sleeping and I was running all over the home to drop it. Believe me my home was like that, but still my childhood was great in that home. I could say my home had grown with me and we have bought the same and renovated it. One of the nicest moments still I remember from my old home was, my mom used to ask what to make for dinner at some 8’o clock. Me and my sister, we would be saying we were not hungry. Then at 10 we would be feeling hungry and we would start asking mom to make something. And it was the exact time the current would be gone. Though it was dark and late night my mom used to make some nice dinner and we would help her. My dad would buy a big banana leaf. We would be sitting out in the open space in front of my home in the moon light. All four me, my sister, dad and mom will be having dinner in a single big banana leaf with a small lamp (vilaku) by the side and in the moon light. That was the real candle light dinner, which you won’t get even if pay thousand and have  it in 5 star hotels. That’s the home I knew and that’s home I lived in Home sweet Home.


Monday, February 4, 2013

Face the Face

Posted by Sivasubramaniam

எல்லா புகழும் இறைவனுக்கே

Here a game today. Think of a teacher whom you liked most in your school.1, 2, 3. Done. Ok now tell me when you imagined your teacher, did you imagine him/her completely or only their face?. Most of them would have imagined only their faces. Ok now if you are walking on road you see someone, you remember their face but don’t know who they are. Most people used to remember people just by their face not whole body. That’s the uniqueness, value of face or whatever you call it. “Face value, face is the index of mind”, are some of the famous sayings which tells us how face is connected to our mind. One of most famous social networking site what do we call it? ‘facebook’.  People recognize each other just by seeing their face. Though we can guess someone by seeing their body no one does that. It's the face everyone sees. Faces have the unique quality of expressing how you feel about something or someone, which we call it, expressions. If two understand each other they need not talk just by seeing each others face they will get to know what the other one is trying to say. If we see a complete stranger our mind will automatically guess what kind of person he/she would be just by seeing their face. But it's not correct every time. Sometimes people miscalculate and sometimes people are good in faking their emotion or expression. Even a small child could fake an expression. Not agreeing, just think how many us have fooled our mom for not doing homework and bunking school, by keeping a dull face and saying that we are feeling sick. I guess everyone would have done. Even to like someone at the first site we could say face stands most ideal one. We cannot choose what kind of face we need at least by birth, but every face will be beautiful if you keep a smile on it every time.

இவன் யாரென்று தெரிகிறதா தீ என்று புரிகிறதா, தடைகளை வென்று சரித்திரம் படைத்தவன் ஞாபகம் வருகிறதா

My senior in college Kannan